🥪 Why letting my daughter pack her lunch changed my coaching strategy

Hi Coach :)

As I helped my six-year-old daughter, Luna-Rose, prepare her school lunch this morning, I stumbled upon a lesson about empowerment and capability.

đź’ˇ Luna is more likely to eat her lunch when she packs it herself.

Observing her take charge made me proud and sparked thoughts about how similar principles apply in coaching.

In my household, which includes four children ranging in age from six to 22, recognising each child’s unique capability is a challenging dynamic.

It’s tempting to do things for them to express how much you care.

Yet, I’ve learned that allowing them the space to grow into their tasks is a treat and essential for their development.

This mirrors a vital lesson from our coaching practice: the importance of clients doing the work themselves.

Over a decade and 1000s of hours of coaching, I’ve come to understand my role isn’t to do the work for my clients.

Often, this means I conclude coaching sessions with nothing on my plate, having set the conditions for clients to do their best work independently.

Despite sometimes wanting to jump in—perhaps because I think I can do it faster or it’s frustrating watching someone fumble—I’ve learned the importance of holding back.

This space is where true learning and growth happen - for the client and the coach.

Clients must not become dependent on us; instead, we aim to make ourselves indispensable by empowering them to be independent.

Reflect on this:

  • What’s a recent situation where you found yourself jumping in and doing the work for your clients?
  • In what ways might stepping back and letting them handle it themselves help them grow and increase your effectiveness and value as a coach?

Our challenge as coaches is to foster independence, ensuring our clients grow capable and confident in handling their challenges long after our coaching programs end.

🗣️ 👀


PS. If you want to learn how to empower your clients and increase your value and authority as a coach, join my new program today (Enrollment closes today!)

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Chris Marr works with established business coaches to help them go from good to great and have more breakthrough conversations with their clients and teams.

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