
Hi, Coach...

Chris Marr works with established business coaches to help them go from good to great and have more breakthrough conversations with their clients and teams.

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🤝 Delegate tasks to your clients and transform your coaching practice

Hi Coach, Challenges begin to arise as my clients get busier with coaching more clients. Doing administrative tasks wasn’t a big issue when they weren't so busy. However, the increase in clients has created tension. Now, I find us talking about how to get more stuff off their plate and delegate it to the client—the way it should have been from the beginning. We don’t want to be doing tasks that diminish our authority. Administrative tasks do precisely that. So, what can you delegate to your...

Hi Coach, One of my clients was venting about a particularly frustrating situation with one of their clients. You know the kind of venting I’m talking about—usually happens at home, unloading all the day’s frustrations to a patient partner. Now, here’s the thing: when we find ourselves complaining about our clients, it’s a clear signal. It means there’s a conversation we need to have with our client that we’re avoiding. Complaints are like the practice rounds for the actual conversation that...

Hi Coach, I’m excited to share my latest guest appearance on the Coworking Values Podcast, hosted by the incredible Bernie J. Mitchell. If you want to take your personal and professional growth to the next level, this episode is a must-listen! Meet Bernie Bernie has been a pivotal figure in the coworking community since 2010, providing strategic and practical guidance on community building, content marketing, CRM, sales, events, and company culture. He’s the driving force behind the Coworking...

Hi Coach, I’m currently in Amsterdam, preparing to speak at an event for the next couple of days. This morning, I decided to hit the hotel gym. Now, as someone who’s 42 years old and never really enjoyed gyms—especially spaces dominated by men—I’ve always felt a bit out of place. I’ve never been great with confrontational situations, and I’m pretty introverted. As an introvert, I love spending time with specific people for long periods, but when I’m in public places like gyms or travelling...

Hi Coach, Last week, I asked for your top book, podcast, or article recommendations and received great responses! Here’s what your fellow coaches and consultants have found impactful this year so far: Mothering Our Boys by Maggie Dent - Recommended by TashaThis book dives into building stronger relationships as a parent, teacher, or role model. It offers insights into how men process and grow differently, requiring unique approaches to parenting and communication. It also provides a fresh...

Hi Coach, In early ‘21, a call from a prospective client stuck with me. “Chris, we’ve tried to do this ourselves, but we can’t. We need your help. Can you help us?” Six months before, this European B2B company held a private digital sales and marketing workshop. The team left the workshop excited and motivated, convinced they could handle it independently. But after a few months, they hit the same challenges many organisations face: they got in their own way. Here’s what typically happens:...

Hi Coach, As we approach the weekend, I find myself inspired by something Simon Sinek said a long time ago - Always to be willing to read and learn outside of where you’re comfortable and what’s already known to you. With that in mind, I want to shake things up and dive into some new content. And who better to ask for recommendations than this amazing community of coaches and consultants? So here’s my ask: What’s the single best book, podcast, or article you’ve come across this year? It could...

H Coach, I’m working with a client who wants to improve their leadership communication skills. Leadership is mostly about soft skills and communication, which are crucial but often hard to measure. So, how do we know if we’re growing consistently as leaders? In one of our sessions, we pinpointed the core behaviours of a leader and figured out how to put actual numbers on them. By focusing on leading indicators, we can better predict and influence the desired outcomes, such as reducing staff...

Hi Coach, For a long time, when I was coaching the They Ask You Answer clients, I heard things like, “Chris, thanks, you’ve been great, but I think we don’t need you anymore.” They would quit the program far too early, just when we were about to make real, transformational progress. It was incredibly frustrating. Clients would stop early, and our work together would quickly unravel because it hadn’t taken root in their organisation. Even worse, some clients would say they weren’t making...

Hi Coach, I’m excited to share a deeply personal and revealing conversation I recently had on the “1,000 Routes” podcast with my good friend and former colleague, Nick Bennett. In this episode, “The Chris Marr Route,” I discuss my journey from entrepreneur to employee and back to entrepreneur. I loved this chat with Nick because he drew out of me a very honest insight, especially into my recent career transition. If you’re interested in learning more about me and how I’m handling my work and...