🤝 Delegate tasks to your clients and transform your coaching practice

Hi Coach,

Challenges begin to arise as my clients get busier with coaching more clients.

Doing administrative tasks wasn’t a big issue when they weren't so busy.

However, the increase in clients has created tension.

Now, I find us talking about how to get more stuff off their plate and delegate it to the client—the way it should have been from the beginning.

We don’t want to be doing tasks that diminish our authority.

Administrative tasks do precisely that.

So, what can you delegate to your client?

What is more valuable for your client to do versus you?

Challenging our ideas of what a coach does, in my mind, means a coach should only do what a coach can do, and everything else is someone else’s responsibility.

Embrace the idea of delegating tasks to your client.

Here are some examples:

  1. Delegate note-taking and minutes: Let your clients be responsible for documenting insights, lessons learned, and actions during sessions. This reinforces their learning and frees up your time.
  2. Delegate follow-up and status reporting: Clients should send regular updates on their progress, challenges, and any areas where they need support. This keeps them accountable and reduces your administrative burden. Instead of you chasing them for updates, they take responsibility for keeping you informed.
  3. Delegate preparation work: Have clients prepare for each session by completing any necessary pre-work. This ensures they come ready to engage, and you can focus on delivering impactful coaching. You do not have to do all the thinking!
  4. Delegate the agenda setting: Let your clients outline the agenda for each session. This ensures the discussion is tailored to their immediate needs and priorities while you remain focused on high-value interactions.

Don’t get busy doing low-level, low-value tasks.

Increase your value and delegate these responsibilities back to the client.

By doing so, you can focus on being the indispensable coach your clients need.

🗣️ 👀


PS. Book a session with me today if you want to learn to be highly effective at delegating tasks, problems, and accountability to your client.

Say What You See w/ Chris Marr

Chris Marr is the Author of 'Become an Authoritative Coach' and works with established client-facing professionals to help them go from good to great and have more breakthrough conversations with their clients and teams.

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