Is being 'always on' costing you more than time?

Hey Coach :)

As I was diving into Dan Martell’s thought-provoking book on entrepreneurship, Buy Back Your Time, a concept deeply resonated with me.

I see it influencing not just my own life but also the lives of the entrepreneurs I work with.

I’ll be honest; I often find myself battling frustration.

Part of my job is to dial down that frustration and channel more patience and grace into my work.

But it doesn’t mean the frustration isn’t there, simmering beneath the surface, especially when I see talented business owners just like you spending precious time on tasks that simply aren’t worth it.

It's those functional, low-value, surface-level tasks that fill up your days and eat into your evenings and weekends.

I sometimes mentally shout, “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?"

"Why is this task so important that it needs to be done by you and in your own time?"

But beyond this, there’s a deeper psychological layer to consider.

Why do so many entrepreneurs feel the need to be constantly busy?

There’s a pervasive belief that to be successful, you must be “on” all the time. This mindset can lead to a cycle of busyness that isn’t just exhausting—it can be counterproductive.

Here’s the truth: Many of us are not truly thinking about how to buy back our time.

Instead, we’re caught in a cycle of handling tasks we believe only we can do.

But many of these tasks can and should be handled by someone else.

What if you could delegate these and focus on what genuinely needs your unique expertise?

Reflection for Sunday: - How many tasks this past week were things ONLY you could do? What tasks are clearly for someone else to manage? What tasks did you end up doing in your personal time in the evenings and weekends?

Mastering delegation isn’t just about clearing your plate; it’s about filling it with what truly matters—growth, innovation, strategy—areas that often get sidelined by day-to-day operations.

Not only that, what are you sacrificing in your personal life by allowing your work to creep into your evenings and weekends?

  • Your physical health?
  • Your mental health?
  • Your family?

So, take a moment today to think about how you can start buying back your time.

Imagine the possibilities if your day was freed up to concentrate on truly high-impact activities.

Take those low-value activities—those tasks below your pay grade—and start delegating them to other people.

I'm sure you'll be planning your week ahead at some point today - How do you plan to adjust your approach and focus on what’s truly important?

🗣️ 👀


PS. Could we be working together? Check out this low-cost offer

Hi, Coach...

Chris Marr works with established business coaches to help them go from good to great and have more breakthrough conversations with their clients and teams.

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