🛩️ I traveled 500 miles for this one crucial decision

Hi Coach :)

Recently, I had the opportunity to escape the daily grind thanks to my friend Scott, who invited me to his home in Cork for a three-day business strategy retreat.

"Come over here for three days," he said. "I'll look after you—you won't have to worry about the daily routines of family life. I'll put you up, feed you, and you can focus solely on your business strategy."

I needed this offer to clear my mind and focus on the bigger picture.

Within 30 minutes of arriving, freed from my usual responsibilities, I made a significant decision that had been lingering in my mind for far too long.

This wasn't just a change of scenery; it was a transformative shift in my mental state, facilitated by stepping into a new physical space where I could fully engage with my thoughts.

It was a seemingly simple thing—to change my environment—yet ultimately unlocked a new level for me.

This experience made me ponder a critical question we often overlook in coaching practices: "Who's doing all the thinking?"

As coaches, our high standards and commitment to clients' success might lead us to over-deliver, overshadowing the client's opportunity to think for themselves.

Like Scott encouraging me to change my state, what simple yet valuable aspects are you overlooking in your coaching?

Here's what we inherently bring to the table, often without realising its full impact:

  1. Expertise: Our specialised knowledge provides valuable insights that can accelerate our clients' journeys.
  2. Accountability: By keeping clients focused and on track, we ensure consistent progress toward their goals.
  3. Unbiased feedback: Our external perspectives offer clarity clients can't obtain from their usual circles and peers.
  4. External perspective: Our position outside clients’ everyday environments grants us unique insights.
  5. Listening skills: Our listening ability reveals undercurrents that can shift entire strategies.
  6. Curiosity: Our drive to understand prompts clients to explore deeper truths within themselves.

Reflect on this:

  • How might you be undervaluing the intrinsic value you bring to your clients?
  • In what ways are you overthinking, overworking or doubting yourself about the value you bring to your clients?

Don't forget that transformation can come from these simple, foundational elements we bring to our coaching relationships.

🗣️ 👀


PS. Click here and join my new program: 10 simple, practical and effective techniques to Build Authority, Earn Respect, and Drive Client Transformation.

Hi, Coach...

Chris Marr works with established business coaches to help them go from good to great and have more breakthrough conversations with their clients and teams.

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