📚 Your curated reading list from last week

Hi Coach,

Last week, I asked for your top book, podcast, or article recommendations and received great responses!

Here’s what your fellow coaches and consultants have found impactful this year so far:

Mothering Our Boys by Maggie Dent - Recommended by Tasha
This book dives into building stronger relationships as a parent, teacher, or role model. It offers insights into how men process and grow differently, requiring unique approaches to parenting and communication. It also provides a fresh perspective on empathy and understanding for others.

$100M Leads by Alex Hormozi - Recommended by Martin
A valuable resource for anyone looking to generate leads and grow their business.

Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less by Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Royal Schwartz - Recommended by Jeff
This book is a fantastic read for coaches and mentors, emphasising the power of concise and effective communication.

Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom - Recommended by Jeff
Another great recommendation for coaches and mentors, this book offers profound life lessons through the lens of an inspiring relationship.

Rowan Cheung and The Rundown AI Newsletter - Recommended by Ric
Instead of a book, Ric recommended following Rowan Cheung on Twitter and subscribing to his daily newsletter. This has transformed Ric’s view on how AI can be used in business and life, showcasing continuous value from a content creator and curator.

The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday - Recommended by Moby
This book goes beyond resilience, teaching how to use obstacles as opportunities, making it a powerful read for anyone facing challenges.

Who Not How by Dan Sullivan - Recommended by Jen
This book encourages thinking differently about scaling and growing. Jen also recommends “10x is Better Than 2x” for further insights.

The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd and 10x is Easier than 2x by Dan Sullivan - Recommended by Ruth
Both books offer unique perspectives on career paths and growth, with “The Pathless Path” challenging conventional career advice and “10x is Easier than 2x” providing insights on scaling effectively.

Podcasts and Books - Recommended by Craig


  • The Diary Of A CEO by Steven Bartlett
  • Modern Wisdom by Chris Williamson
  • The High-Performance Podcast by Jake Humphrey and Prof. Damian Hughes
  • The Go Radio Business Show by Tom Hunter and Willie Haughey


  • Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? by Dr. Julie Smith
  • Become an Authoritative Coach by Chris Marr 😊 (Poolside reading for Craig in a few weeks)

Thank you to Tasha, Martin, Jeff, Ric, Moby, Jen, Ruth, and Craig for your valuable contributions.

I hope these recommendations inspire and empower you as you continue to grow.

Have a great week in business!

🗣️ 👀


Hi, Coach...

Chris Marr works with established business coaches to help them go from good to great and have more breakthrough conversations with their clients and teams.

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