📈 Want to grow as a leader? Start measuring these 5 things

H Coach,

I’m working with a client who wants to improve their leadership communication skills.

Leadership is mostly about soft skills and communication, which are crucial but often hard to measure.

So, how do we know if we’re growing consistently as leaders?

In one of our sessions, we pinpointed the core behaviours of a leader and figured out how to put actual numbers on them.

By focusing on leading indicators, we can better predict and influence the desired outcomes, such as reducing staff turnover, increasing morale, boosting productivity, and building a high-performing team and a great culture.

We came up with a dozen leading indicators; here are 5 of them:

  1. Number of difficult conversations initiated: Track how difficult issues are proactively addressed. This helps prevent minor issues from escalating and fosters a culture of openness and problem-solving.
  2. Critical feedback provided: Count the instances where constructive feedback is given to team members. Providing timely and effective feedback can significantly improve performance and promote personal growth.
  3. Problems delegated: Tally the number of tasks or problems delegated that you would typically handle yourself. This encourages team autonomy, builds trust, and enhances overall team capability.
  4. Praise given using the STAR Framework: Record instances of giving praise that are Specific, Timely, Action-oriented, and Results-focused. This reinforces positive behaviours and motivates the team, leading to higher engagement and morale.
  5. Feedback solicited from the team: Measure how often feedback about your leadership is requested from the team. This demonstrates humility and a commitment to self-improvement, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

It’s difficult to know if your leadership skills are improving if you measure your performance only using lagging indicators and outcomes.

When we can track our inputs, the action we need to take becomes clearer. By focusing on these leading indicators, you can track your progress and see real growth.

Try this approach and watch how it transforms your leadership journey.

🗣️ 👀


PS. My book, Become an Authoritative Coach, is currently discounted on Amazon. Get it here.

Say What You See w/ Chris Marr

Chris Marr is the Author of 'Become an Authoritative Coach' and works with established client-facing professionals to help them go from good to great and have more breakthrough conversations with their clients and teams.

Read more from Say What You See w/ Chris Marr

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