Be the first to hear: Critical Client Conversations Episode 1 is live!

Hi Coach,

I’m excited to share something special with you!

You’ll be among the first to know about the launch of my new content series, Critical Client Conversations.

What's it about?

This series is designed to help you navigate your week with actionable insights and strategies for your most important client interactions.

Each episode focuses on enhancing your coaching effectiveness by tackling specific challenges and opportunities.

Episode 001: Delegating to your client: How you can lighten your load and increase your value as a business coach

In our first episode, we explore the importance of delegating administrative tasks to your clients, allowing you to:

  • Shift preparation work to clients so they come ready for sessions.
  • Delegate note-taking and insights capture.
  • Stop chasing clients for updates and let them take responsibility.
  • Encourage clients to track their tasks and manage agendas.
  • Foster client independence and accountability.

By delegating these tasks, you can focus on high-value coaching activities, maintain authority, and improve your work-life balance.

This approach boosts your efficiency and empowers your clients to take more ownership of their progress.

Where can you find it?

You’re getting super early access before the official launch on Monday.

Click the links below to listen and subscribe on your favourite platform:

I’m thrilled to share this journey with you and can’t wait to hear your feedback.

Let me know what you think, and don’t forget to subscribe to stay updated with the latest episodes.

Thank you for being a part of this exclusive soft launch.

I appreciate your continued support and look forward to helping you make every client conversation count.

Have a great week in coaching!

🗣️ 👀


Say What You See w/ Chris Marr

Chris Marr is the Author of 'Become an Authoritative Coach' and works with established client-facing professionals to help them go from good to great and have more breakthrough conversations with their clients and teams.

Read more from Say What You See w/ Chris Marr

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