Never worry between coaching sessions again: Your FREE guide to perfect endings

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    Hi Coach,

    I want to share a story with you about a client who used to worry me in the early days of our coaching relationship.

    Between sessions, I never heard from them—no questions, no updates, nothing. It made me question my effectiveness as a coach because I felt I needed to be involved in every step.

    But what I quickly learned was that this client was actually a model client.

    They consistently did the work they committed to and showed up prepared for every session. They met all their goals without needing constant guidance from me.

    This realisation was a turning point for me.

    I discovered that the key to this success was how we ended our coaching sessions.

    Effective endings ensured that my client had clear direction and knew exactly what steps to take next.

    This structure eliminated the need for follow-ups and constant check-ins.

    Reflecting on this, I realised that many common coaching problems—like missing deadlines, not making enough progress, lack of clarity, and too many follow-ups—stem from not dedicating enough time to properly end sessions.

    Without clear endings, clients leave without understanding their next steps, leading to confusion and extra work for both of us.

    This is why I created this resource.

    In it, you'll find five different types of endings: accountability sessions, information sessions, teaching sessions, getting feedback, and ending relationships!

    These strategies will help you ensure your clients leave every session with clear direction and accountability, just like my ideal client who never needed to reach out between sessions.

    If you find yourself overwhelmed by client follow-ups or chasing clients for progress, it's likely because your session endings aren't as strong as they could be.

    This resource will help you craft world-class coaching endings, so your clients always know exactly what to do next, reducing your workload and increasing their ability to get results faster.

    Created by Chris Marr, Author of Become an Authoritative Coach

    Chris Marr, based in the picturesque city of Dundee, Scotland, is universally recognised as “The Authoritative Coach.” With thousands of hours devoted to coaching an expansive range of companies, from nimble startups to 7 and 8-figure enterprises, he has unequivocally established himself as a leading expert in the field.

    As the founder of The Authoritative Coach, Chris takes coaching to new dimensions. He holds the unique honour of being the world’s first certified “They Ask, You Answer” coach. In this trailblazing role, he is responsible for leading, mentoring, and shaping coaching talents across the globe.

    Chris is also the celebrated author of “Become an Authoritative Coach: Stop People Pleasing, Challenge Your Clients, and Be Indispensable,” a seminal work that further cements his reputation as a dual authority in coaching and content marketing.

    Beyond his extensive portfolio in coaching, Chris is a dedicated Stoic Practitioner and Philosopher. His fascination with human behaviour is not a mere interest but a lifelong commitment to understanding the intricacies of human potential.

    His relentless pursuit of professional development and continuous learning makes him one of the most sought-after coaches globally. Known for transforming untapped potential into peak performance, Chris Marr is the coach you seek when you’re ready to achieve not just your goals, but far beyond them.

    What's in the resource?

    • 32 tried and tested coaching questions
    • Five different types of coaching session endings
    • Questions to use when ending relationships
    • The exact accountability statement I use with all my clients
    • A notes section to collate the questions you love
    • A 5-part email series to help you implement what's in the resource

    This will not be another wasted PDF resource...

    We understand the frustration of downloading a resource only for it to gather digital dust in your inbox. That’s why we’ve designed a 5-part email lesson series to ensure you get the most out of The Authoritative Coach resource.

    What to Expect in Your Email Lessons:

    1. The Importance of Strong Session Endings: Discover how rushed endings can lead to unclear next steps and learn how strong endings provide clear direction and accountability, reducing the need for follow-ups.
    2. The Five Types of Coaching Session Endings: Not every session is the same, and neither should their endings be. We’ll show you how to tailor your endings to the session type, enhancing effectiveness and providing momentum.
    3. Overcoming Common Challenges: Many coaches face common mistakes like not allocating enough time, lack of clarity, and unaddressed roadblocks. Learn strategies to ensure your clients leave sessions with a clear plan and know how to handle potential obstacles.
    4. Maintaining Client Accountability: As a busy business coach, you don’t have time to chase clients for updates. We’ll teach you how to delegate accountability back to your clients, saving you time and empowering them to stay on track.
    5. Practical Steps and Strategies: Each email is packed with actionable steps and real-world examples to help you implement these strategies immediately. You’ll see how strong session endings can transform your coaching practice and lead to better client outcomes.

    Don’t let this valuable resource go to waste.

    Sign up now and start receiving your email lessons, designed to help you master the art of coaching session endings and elevate your practice to new heights.